About us
Bruno Bériot
Born to a humble family in August 1969 in Beloeil, in Hainaut in Belgium. My childhood took numerous twists and turns.
From that moment, I decided that when I grew up, I would chart a course of my own choosing.
Passionate about sport, communication and psychology from my very earliest days, the profession of Personal Trainer was a dream for me and therefore a goal !
When I started to go my own way in 1990, Personal Training was unknown in Belgium.
12 years later, I turned to a number of (trainer) “site managers” to reinforce my own Personal Training “building projects”.
My journey…
- 2003
- I meet the woman I will marry in 2011 and who is the foundation of the point of departure for my new life.
- I apply for the post of Fitness Manager in a multinational and land the job, yes ! Some people would say that I was lucky but, for me, luck is a skill you have to work on !
- I developed the potential of my talent* for human resource management. * talent = to possess skill where others experience difficulty
- 2005
- My partner at the time (now my wife) lent me wings and pushed me out of my employee’s nest. It was then that I realised that choosing my own flight plan suited my personality to a T. I therefore charted a new route (with my new partner), Body Concept Training is born.
- 2006
- I offer Body Concept Training’s services to one of the biggest fitness clubs in Wallonia; since then two freelance Personal Trainers there have successfully used it.
- 2007
- I create my own training modules.
- 2009
- I join forces as a trainer with a company, Vitalys groupe Leaderfit. This enables me to save time spent developing leads and on administration and of course benefit from the group’s reputation. (I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their confidence in me)
- 2010
- Following a feature on Body Concept Training on Rtbf, I am offered a regular slot on the programme “Sans Chichis” (no frills), which I of course accept.
- 2012
- My wife and I buy shares in the company M.E.D. club, which has three fitness studios, including the one I offered my services to in 2006 !
Not bad, eh?