Your goals

Reach your weight goals (loss, gain or maintenance) without fatigue, irritability, or feelings of failure and without having that sensation of having to control yourself excessively.

Are you FED UP with milkshakes, appetite suppressants and other pills? No high-protein diet, no dietary supplements, no miracle pill – rather, nutrition coaching and dietary re-education!

Your coach will teach you to manage your portion sizes with proper balance in your meals.


Weight loss is only possible over the long term with nutritional balance, which you will achieve through the various menus of your program. The ratios between the different macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) are cleverly chosen so that your body can draw its energy from the excess of fat stores and thus leave your lean mass intact.


NEWTRITION COACH also allows you to gain weight in a sensible way since putting on GOOD weight isn’t always easy. Your menus will be planned in such a way as to make you primarily gain lean mass while limiting fatty mass.


Once your break-even point has been reached, you’re not left to your own devices. NEWTRITION COACH tracks you so that your new body weight becomes stable. New menus are suggested in order that your energy balance stays in equilibrium: that will be the key to your stabilisation.


Whether you’re an experienced athlete or a beginner, nutrition will be of the utmost importance in your progress! Whether it’s at a strictly body building level or to lose the excess body fat that’s been accumulated during the year, NEWTRITION COACH is there to meet your expectations!

NEWTRITION COACH will help you as you prepare for a competition with personalised monitoring, checking your weight and body fat percentage each week so that you’ll be ready to go on game day!

In the same vein, in the off season, nutrition will allow you to progress more rapidly towards your goal by giving your body the correct proportions of proteins, carbohydrates and fats that it needs! Don’t forget that the structure of your nutrition and training are the most important parameters.
Don’t count solely on supplements to achieve prowess; they’ll be a great help to you on days of fatigue or during periods of dieting but your results will largely depend on your nutrition and that’s where we come in, by applying our knowledge and our conscientiousness to your success!


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